The club’s annual Survivor’s Banquet, a potluck of mushroom and other dishes, will be held Jan. 13 at the OSU Extension Office where we usually meet. The name comes from members who survive eating the wild mushrooms they pick. The newly elected officers will also be installed that morning at 11. The room will be opened at 10, and the banquet will be eaten at noon.
Use mushrooms in your dish, or just bring something else you like if you’d rather. If you need to buy the mushrooms that’s OK. It’s helpful if you list your ingredients on a card to bring. The facilities include more than one oven, a microwave, stovetop, warming table, sink and refrigeration. Pam will bring the club’s stash of plates and tableware.
Dues for 2024 are due (unless you’ve already paid them, of course). We’ll carry 2023’s for a month or two but then the newsletters and announcements will stop. 2022’s better get on board! Direct your questions to the Treasurer, Cathy Piazza, at the LCMS email or snail mail address.